Effect of integrated nutrient management system on growth attributes of wheat under north Haryana conditions

Effect of INM on wheat


  • ANIKET DIWEDI Ph.D (Agronomy) Department of Agronomy CCSHAU HISAR




Dry matter, INM, LAI, Shoot length and Varieties.


A field experiment entitled “Performance of different varieties of wheat (Triticum aestivium L.) under integrated nutrient management system” was carried out during winter 2017-18 and 2018-19 at RRS (Rice), Kaul, Haryana. The pooled mean analysis of plant height, dry matter accumulation, LAI, LAD and shoot length worked out. The results revealed that wheat variety WH 1142 significantly resulted in higher plant height (97.94 and 99.79 cm, respectively), and dry matter accumulation (21.91 and 25.55 g plant-1, respectively) at 120 DAS and at harvest over all the varieties. Pooled mean LAI at 90 DAS (6.26), at 120 DAS (3.16), and LAD at 90 DAS (161.48) of WH 1142 were significant overall varieties. Leaf area duration (161.48 and 131.26 at 90 and 120 DAS, respectively) and shoot length (77.85 cm) at 90 DAS in WH 1142 were significant over WH 1080 and WH 1025. Plant height at 120 DAS (99.15cm) and at harvest (101.73 cm), dry matter accumulation at 120 DAS (22.92 g plant-1), LAI at 90 DAS (6.13) and at 120 DAS (3.02), LAD at 90 DAS (162.75) was significant with 100% RDF over other nutrient sources. INM practice 50% RDF + 50% RDF through FYM + 50% through VC + Biofertilizer resulted in significantly higher plant height, dry matter accumulation, LAI, LAD and shoot length.


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