On farm assessment of technology options against pod borer and pod fly in pigeonpea
Technology options for pigeonpea pod borer and pod fly
Pigeonpea, Pod borer, InsecticidesAbstract
Pigeonpea is widely cultivated pulse crop in India during the Kharif season. Pod borer and pod fly cause adequate economic damage to the pigeonpea. Field experiments were carried out to assess the different technology options against the pod borer and pod fly in pigeonpeaduring the Kharifseason of 2019 - 20 and 2020 - 21. The results on efficacy of technology options revealed that during both the years the minimum pod damage by pod borer (12.2 and 13.3% during the year 2019 - 20 and 2020 - 21, respectively) was recorded in TO - I(1st spraying with NSKE 5% followed by 2nd application with lambda cyhalothrin 5 EC) followed by TO - II(14.8 and 16.6% during the year 2019 – 20 and 2020 – 21, respectively) in which 1stand 2nd spraying was done with Spinosad 45 SC and farmers’ practice (22.4 and 23.1 during the year 2019 – 20 and 2020 – 21, respectively) where no any insecticide was sprayed. Pod damage by pod fly was also recorded minimum in TO - I (14.2 and 10.5% in the year 2019 - 20 and 2020 - 21, respectively) followed by TO - II (16.2 and 13.7% in the year 2019 - 20 and 2020 - 21, respectively) and farmers’ practice (23.6 and 20.3% in the year 2019 - 20 and 2020 - 21, respectively) in pigeonpea. Maximum yield (10.2 and 11.3 q/ha during the year 2019 - 20 and 2020 - 21, respectively) was also recorded in TO - I with the highest BC(Benefit:Cost) ratio 1.81:1 and 2.00:1in the year 2019 - 20 and 2020 - 21, respectively. The overall results of the present study indicating the overall superiority of TO - I(1st spraying with NSKE 5% at 50% flowering followed by 2nd application with lambda cyhalothrin 5 EC at 75% pod formation stage) in all the aspects i.e. pod damage, grain damage, yield and BC ratio.
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