Effect of different Phosphorus Levels on Urd Bean under Custard Apple based Agri-Horti System


  • AJAY PAL Agricultural Research Farm of Rajiv Gandhi South Campus, (BHU) Barkachha,Mirzapur (UP
  • PRAVESH KUMAR Agricultural Research Farm of Rajiv Gandhi South Campus, (BHU) Barkachha,Mirzapur (UP),
  • R P SINGH Department of Agronomy, IAS, BHU, Varanasi (UP
  • PRANAV KUMAR Agricultural Research Farm of Rajiv Gandhi South Campus, (BHU) Barkachha,Mirzapur (UP),


An experiment was conducted in kharifseason of 2009 to study the effect of phosphorus on Urd bean under custard apple based agri-horti system. The treatments compared were six levels of phosphorus (0, 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75 kgP2O5 /ha) tested in a Randomized Block Design. The growth and yield attributes viz. plant height, number of branch perplant, number of trifoliate leaf perplant, total dry matter accumulation perplant, number of pod per plant, number of seed per pod, test weight, seed yield and stover yield increased with the increase in the levels of phosphorus up to 75 kg/ha. All the growth parameters of custard apple produced non-significant result with increasing doses of phosphorus application up to highest level in the crop growth period.

Author Biography

PRAVESH KUMAR, Agricultural Research Farm of Rajiv Gandhi South Campus, (BHU) Barkachha,Mirzapur (UP),

Agronomy/ Agroforestry


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