Effect of carbon sources in culture Medium on Shoot Regeneration of Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) Var. Beeralu Rabu


  • NILANTHI DAHANAYAKE University of Ruhuna


Efforts were made to develop a culture medium for successful in vitro propagation of radish. The effect of various carbon sources such as sucrose, glucose, maltose and dextrose were investigated on in vitro shoot regeneration of Rabu (Raphanus sativus L.) Var. Beeralu using aseptic hypocotyl explants. Numbers of regenerated shoots were evaluated one month after establishment. Test shows that there were significant effects at p<0.05 level on radish shoots, regenerated in different carbon sources. The frequency, growth and multiplication rate were highly influenced by the type and concentration of carbon source used. The maximum number of shoots (6 shoots/explant) on MS medium supplemented with 3% dextrose and maximum shoot length (4cm) was obtained by 4% dextrose. Regeneration frequency was 100% in 4% dextrose. The least number of shoots were observed by each and every concentration of glucose except 4%. Among the four types of carbon sources that were employed in the present study, dextrose at 4% proved to be better choice for multiple shoot regeneration followed by sucrose, maltose and glucose from hypocotyl explants of Raphanus sativus L Var. Beeralu Rabu.

Author Biography

NILANTHI DAHANAYAKE, University of Ruhuna

Department of Agricultural Biology

Senior lecturer Grade 1


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