A study of farmers’ perception about methods of plant protection and their effects on health and environment in western Uttar Pradesh


  • MANISH MOHAN GORE Vigyan Prasar (Department of Science & Technology)
  • PRASHANT KUMAR ARYAN Head, Department of Botany, Monad University, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh


The present study was undertaken with objectives to assess the farmers’ perception on using, handling of pesticides by farmers results revealed that 94% of farmers use chemical pesticide, and majority of farmers had greater influence of pesticide vendors’ advice regarding pesticide use. It was found that sample farmers had limited knowledge about the proper guidelines of pest management and recommendation. Results showed that 60% of sample respondents agreed that organic farming or IPM is better options to chemical pesticide in brinjal. But the same time, farmers of the study area are reluctant to switch over from chemical pesticide to improved alternative practices. Regarding capacity building, it was found that 57% of the farmers did not attend any training on organic farming. Data reflected that 90% of sample farmers were aware about safe use of pesticide and also 95% of sample respondents were aware with the fact that exposure to pesticide has adverse health effects. The result implies that sample farmers were informed about alternatives or component of alternatives to chemical pesticide such as bio-pesticide (32%), organic farming (31%), crop rotation (18%), & cultivating crop mixture (12%). It was found that most of the farmers (87%) had an opinion that chemical pesticides are harmful for the environment.


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