Influence of Different Tillage and Herbicide Management on Weed Dynamics and Wheat Productivity under Rice-Wheat Cropping System


  • P KUMAR Janta Vedic (P.G.) College, Baraut, Baghpat (U.P.)


A field experiment was conducted during rabi 2004-05 and 2005-06 to ascertain the relationship among the seed-bed preparation, nutrient and weed management of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under six tillage conditions. Furrow irrigated raised bed planting system (FIRBS) recorded yield attributes as well as grain and straw yield significantly higher over the other tillage management. Conventional line
sowing (CLS) also recorded significantly higher yield and yield attributes as compared to other tillage practices. The herbicide application significantly increased the grain and biomass yield due to reduction in weed density and weed dry weight. The highest yield and yield attributes was obtained with the application of Sulfosulfuron @ 33.3 g/ha followed by Metribuzin @ 250 g/ha in present investigation. Net return was found maximum under FIRBS with herbicide application of Sulphosulfuron. The maximum benefit: cost ratio of 3.32 obtained during second year in strip till drill plots.


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