Evaluation of Soil Test Methods for Available Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium in Direct-Seeded Rice–Wheat Cropping Sequence

Soil Test Methods for available NPK in DSR–Wheat Cropping Sequence


  • POONAM GAUTAM Deptt of Soil Science, College of Agriculture, GB Pant University of Ag and Tech, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India
  • SOBARAN SINGH Professor
  • NAVNEET PAREEK Professor
  • V P SINGH Professor


Available soil nitrogen, Available soil phosphorus, Available soil potassium, Direct-seeded rice, Mollisols, Soil test method, Wheat


Evaluation of suitability for different soil test methods for the determination of available nutrients in soils is an important aspect to prescribe the nutrient doses for crops. This study aimed to obtain a simple and efficient soil test method for the determination of available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in Mollisols. Soil samples were collected before sowing of both the test crops i.e., direct-seeded rice and wheat in sequence to evaluate the soil test methods for available N, P and K. Methods used were organic carbon & alkaline KMnO4 for available nitrogen, Olsen’s-P, AB-DTPA & Mehlich-1 for available phosphorus and NH4OAc-K, AB-DTPA & Mehlich-1 for available potassium. Multiple regression equations of grain yield with several combinations of selected soil test methods applied nutrient doses and their interactions were worked out for both the crops. Suitability of these methods for given soil nutrients was evaluated by comparison of the R2 values of regression equations. Results showed that the R2 values of equations by using different combinations of soil test methods for the determination of available soil nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were highly significant in both the crops. But the variation in the magnitude of R2 values obtained for both the crops by using the combinations of different soil test methods is meagre. The highest R2 value for direct-seeded rice (0.442**) and wheat (0.898**) was found with the combination (OC, Olsen’s-P, ABDTPA-K) and (OC, Olsen’s-P, Mehlich-K) respectively. It showed that these combinations are more promising and superior over other methods.

Keywords: soil test method, direct-seeded rice, wheat, available soil nitrogen, available soil phosphorus, available soil potassium, Mollisols.

Author Biography

POONAM GAUTAM, Deptt of Soil Science, College of Agriculture, GB Pant University of Ag and Tech, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India

Deptt of Soil Science, College of Agriculture, GB Pant University of Ag and Tech, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India


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