Influence of Weed Green Manure on Production and Nutrient Content of Maize Cultivar


  • UMESH PANDURANG MOGLE Dept. of Botany, J. E.S. College, Jalna


Field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of green manure on nutrient content and yield of Maize. The experimental design was a randomized block design (RBD) with four replications. Dry matter content (%) was highest in weed species Tephrosia hamiltoni (18.0 %) followed by Crotolaria notonii, (16.8 %), Cassia (16.0 %). Howeever trend was not alike in case of phosphorus and potassium content. Maximum (0.144%) phosphorus and (1.3%) potassium was recorded in case of weed species Cassia tora. At the age of 104 DAS, significantly maximum (304 cm) plant height was observed in the plot treated with green manure of Cassia tora, followed by (297cm) Tephrosia hamiltoni and minimum (185 cm) in control. The highest total reducing sugar content (4.729 g) was noticed in the treatment of Achyranthe aspera followed by Tephrosia hamiltoni (3.958g) and lowest in control (0.428g). Results revealed that weed green manures can not only be used as source of plant nutrients but it can also increase the sugar content in sugar producing crops such as sugar cane, sugar beet, grapes, sweet sorghum and other horticultural crop.

Author Biography

UMESH PANDURANG MOGLE, Dept. of Botany, J. E.S. College, Jalna

Research Guide and Head


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