Physico-chemical characteristics of sapota (Chikoo) powder based value added pasta product using semolina (suji) and maida

Physico-chemical characteristics of sapota


  • SATYA NARAYAN SINGH College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, Navsari Agricultural University, Dediapada
  • RAJESH G BURBADE Deptt. of Processing & Food Engineering, College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, NAU, Dediapada, Gujarat, India
  • HITESH B SANCHAVAT Deptt. of Farm Machinery & Power Engineering, College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, NAU, Dediapada, Gujarat, India
  • P S PANDIT Center of Excellence on Post Harvest Technology, ACHF, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari, Gujarat, India


pasta, sapota (chikoo) powder, physico-chemical characteristics, semolina (suji), value added product


The cereals of today are more nutritious and healthful than ever before. Cereals processing is one of the oldest and the most essential part of all food technologies. Pasta products and noodles have been staple foods since ancient times in many countries all over the world. In this study pasta formulation was substituted with blending sapota powder in different proportions (4 levels i.e. 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%) into semolina and maida flour separately.  Pasta products were prepared using eight different formulations and adding water (approximately 31% of total weight) in DOLLY pasta extruder machine. All the samples were evaluated for physical properties: specific length (mm/g), bulk density (kg/m3), specific density (kg/m3) and porosity (%); functional properties: water absorption index (%), water solubility index (%) and oil absorption capacity (ml/g) and nutritional compositions: moisture (%), crude protein (%), fat (%) and carbohydrate (%). Highest specific length 36.20 mm/g was observed for T5 treatment, low bulk density 368.10 kg/m3 was observed for T5 and highest porosity 9.24% was found for T1 treatment. The maximum WAI, WSI values 325.83%, 17.33% respectively was observed for T1 treatment and minimum value of oil absorption capacity 1.06 ml/g for T8 treatment. The moisture content of dried pasta products was found in the range of 6 to 7%. The maximum value of crude protein 13.07% was found for T5 and minimum value 8.81% for T4 treatments. The fat contents were varied from 1.02% to 1.28 %. The maximum value of carbohydrate was 76.20% for T1 and minimum value 65.41% for T8.

Author Biographies

SATYA NARAYAN SINGH, College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, Navsari Agricultural University, Dediapada

Deptt. of Processing & Food Engineering, College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, NAU, Dediapada, Gujarat, India

RAJESH G BURBADE, Deptt. of Processing & Food Engineering, College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, NAU, Dediapada, Gujarat, India

Deptt. of Processing & Food Engineering, College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, NAU, Dediapada, Gujarat, India

HITESH B SANCHAVAT, Deptt. of Farm Machinery & Power Engineering, College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, NAU, Dediapada, Gujarat, India

Deptt. of Farm Machinery & Power Engineering, College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, NAU, Dediapada, Gujarat, India

P S PANDIT, Center of Excellence on Post Harvest Technology, ACHF, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari, Gujarat, India

Center of Excellence on Post Harvest Technology, ACHF, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari, Gujarat, India


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