A correlation study of pre-sowing treatments, sowing positions and age of stones after extraction from fruit on germination of mango

Study on germination of mango


  • SIMI S Dr.




Age, correlation, germination, pre-sowing treatments, sowing positions


The present study was undertaken to assess the correlation relationship between various pre-soaking treatments, sowing positions and age of stone on germination and vigour of mango seedlings. Mango stones of different age groups viz., freshly extracted stones, 10 and 20 days after extraction of pulp were soaked in aqueous solutions of GA3 (100 and 200 ppm), KNO3 (1 and 2 ppm), cow dung slurry, water and control (without treatments) for 24 hours and were sown in flat and stalk end up method. The correlation coefficients indicate the presence of inherent association between various characters under study. The study revealed that the seedling vigour index –I had very high positive and very dependable relationship with germination percentage (r=0.988**) and seedling length (r=0.974**) whereas seedling vigour index-II had very high positive, significant correlation and very dependable relationship with seedling length (0.931**) in case of stalk end up method over the flat method of sowing.


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