Drying and Rehydration Behaviour of Bamboo (Bambusa bambos) Shoots during Convective Tray Drying


  • AKASH PARE Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology, Thanjavur


This study investigated the thin-layer drying characteristics of bamboo slices in a convective tray dryer with three different temperatures viz., 75, 80 and 85°C. Four mathematical models were investigated for describing the thin-layer drying behaviour of bamboo shoot slices. The performance of these models was investigated by comparing the coefficient of determination (R2), reduced chi-square (c2) and root mean square error (RMSE). All the four models showed good fit but Page model reflected the drying mechanism at 80°C temperature the better. The drying air temperature had the significant effect on the drying kinetics of bamboo shoot slices. Effective moisture diffusivity varied from 4.22×10-12 to 5.56×10-12 m2/s over the temperature range studied, with an activation energy of 28.60 kJ/mol. Rehydration ratio elevated when the salt solution used for rehydration and the weight gain was more irrespective of temperature. Superior rehydration was noticed when the slices were dried at 80°C, and it was relatively poor at 85°C and 75°C.


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