Evaluation of INM on growth, yield and quality of summer cowpea under Doab Region of Uttar Pradesh

INM for summer cowpea


  • OMBIR SINGH Ch. Chhotu Ram PG College, Muzaffarnagar, UP
  • SANDEEP KUMAR Chaudhary Chhotu Ram Post - Graduate College, Muzaffarnagar (Uttar Pradesh)
  • ARUN KUMAR Chaudhary Chhotu Ram Post - Graduate College, Muzaffarnagar (Uttar Pradesh)
  • MAYA CHOUDHARY Chaudhary Chhotu Ram Post - Graduate College, Muzaffarnagar (Uttar Pradesh)




Bio-organics, RDF, Fertility level, Vermicompost


A field experiment was conducted at Agriculture Research farm of Chaudhary Chhotu Ram(PG) College Muzaffarnagar during summer season of 2019 and 2020 to evaluate the Integrated Nutrient management on growth, yield and quality of summer cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp.) under Doab region of Uttar Pradesh. There were sixteen treatments combinations with four fertility levels (Control - F0, 50% RDF - F1, 75% RDF - F2 and 100% RDF - F3) and bio - organics (control - B0, PSB - B1, Vermicompost @2t/ha - B2 and B1+B2 = B3) and tested in a Randomized block Design with three replication. The recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) was considered as 20 kg N, 40 kg P2O5 and 40 kg K2O/ha. Results indicated that application of 75% RDF - F2 being at bar with that of 100% RDF (F3) but significantly superior in respect to all the growth as well as yield and yield attributes to other treatments tested in study. Further analysis of data clearly indicate that application of vermicompost @2t/ha being at per with PSB + Vermicompost, but superior to other treatments. Combined application of 75% RDF and Vermicompost @2t/ha (F2B2) proved to be the best treatment in terms of pod / plant, seed yield and N uptake as well as protein production. Net return work out of different treatment combination in this study is also witness this fact.

Author Biographies

SANDEEP KUMAR, Chaudhary Chhotu Ram Post - Graduate College, Muzaffarnagar (Uttar Pradesh)

Associate Professor, Department of Agronomy

ARUN KUMAR, Chaudhary Chhotu Ram Post - Graduate College, Muzaffarnagar (Uttar Pradesh)

Department of Plant Pathology

MAYA CHOUDHARY, Chaudhary Chhotu Ram Post - Graduate College, Muzaffarnagar (Uttar Pradesh)

Department of Agronomy


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