Evolution of weather parameters and trend analysis over Junagadh, Gujarat

Weather parameters and trend analysis


  • SS CHINCHORKAR Anand Agricultural university,Anand,Gujarat
  • R SUBBAIAH AAU, Godhra
  • V B VAIDYA AAU,Anand




Climate change, rainfall,temperature, mann-kendalltest, standard deviation and coefficient of variation


Climate change is one of the most important worldwide issues talked among the scientists and researchers. The temperature and rainfall trends are analyzed for meteorological data of Junagadh station in Gujarat. India over approximately last three decades stretching between years 1971 to 2013. The long–term change in temperature and rainfall has been assessed by linear trend analysis. The increasing trend in mean monthly maximum temperature (MMAX) and total mean rainfall (TMRF) is confirmed by Mann-Kendall trend test. It is evident from that monthly mean temperature have increased significantly for all the months except the months of April and October for which a very weak decrease in mean maximum temperature is observed. This implies that at Junagadh, the highest increase in temperature occurred in November (0.0210C) during 1980-2011 period. The annual mean of monthly maximum temperatures (MMAX) observed an increasing trend having an annual decreasing of 0.0040C year during 1980-2011. It is evident TMRF have increased for the months April, May August and September whereas it shows decreasing trend in January, Feb, March, June, July, October, November and December. This implies that at Junagadh, the highest increase in TMRF occurs in August and increased by (0.029 mm) during the last 1980-2011. The highest decrease in TMRF occurs in June and decreased by (2.153mm) during the same period. The annual mean of total monthly rainfall observed a decreasing trend having an decrease of 0.249 mm/year during the last 31 years.

Author Biographies

SS CHINCHORKAR, Anand Agricultural university,Anand,Gujarat

Assistant Professor, Department of Basic Engineering and Applied Sciences, Polytechnic in Agril., Engg., AAU, dahod-389160


Principal and Dean, College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, AAU, Godhra-389001


Professor and Head, Department of Basic Engineering and Applied Sciences BACA,BACA,AAU,Anand.


Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Meteorology, BACA,AAU,Anand


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