Effect of seed rate and nutrient management on growth of wheat under late sown condition
Seed and nutrient management of late sown wheat
Keywords: Wheat crop, Nutrient management, Late Sown and Growth.Abstract
A field experiment was conducted during rabi season of 2019-20 on sandy loam soil at Agricultural Research Farm (Pili Kothi), Department of Agronomy, Tilak Dhari Post Graduate College, Jaunpur (U.P.). The experiment comprised of two factors namely (1) two seed rate viz.120 and 140 kg/ha-1 (2) four nutrient namely (i) 100% RDF, (ii) 125% RDF (iii) 75% RDF +25% N through FYM and (iv) 75% RDF +25% N through VC In RBD design with eight treatment and four replication. Variety HD-3118 recorded significantly influenced the growth characters of wheat crop. The maximum recorded growth character are as follows, plant height (87.11cm), number of tillers (592.32 m2), dry matter accumulation (1010.01gm2) and leaf area index (3.38). And minimum growth character was recorded are as follows, plant height (81.81cm), number of tillers (542.57 m2), dry matter accumulation (980.90gm2) and leaf area index (3.13). Thus sowing on 23 December, 125% RDF and 140 kg/ha-1 seed rate can be practiced for maximizing of growth of wheat crop.
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