Development of Liquid Fertilizer Applicator
Liquid Fertilizer Applicator
applicator, tractor, liquid fertilizer, calibration, prototypeAbstract
A liquid fertilizer applicator was developed which could place liquid fertilizer inside soil simultaneously with seed.The metering system was calibrated for nitrogen basal dose application. There was approximately 30-33 % increase in flow rate with an increase in pressure from 0 to 1 kg-cm-2 whereas there was only 6-10 % increase in flow rates when pressure changed from 1 to 2 kg-cm-2. A shovel type furrow opener was modified to conduit the fertilizer into the soil. Modified shovel furrow openers were able to place liquid fertilizer inside the soil at a depth of 3-4 cm below the wheat seed. The average field capacity of 0.23 hah-1 was obtained for continuous operation of the applicator at an average speed of 1.78 kmh-1. A field efficiency of 72 % was observed which was in the permissible range of 60-80 % for seed drill.
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