Comparative Performance, Economics of Divyayan Red and Local Poultry birds under Backyard Poultry Farming in Koderma District of Jharkhand, India

Backyard Farming of Divyayan Red Poultry in Jharkhand


  • S SHEKHAR Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Koderma, Jharkhand
  • S KUMAR Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Nutrition, BVC, Patna, Bihar, India
  • RAJNI KUMARI Scientist, DLFM, ICAR-Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar, India


Front Line Demonstrations (FLD) on Divyayan Red poultry birds were conducted to evaluate the performance and suitability at farmer’s field under backyard farming situation in Koderma, Jharkhand, India. The impact of training on poultry farming was significantly high and average knowledge score of the trainees increased from 2.46 to 8.47. The overall mean body weight gain and egg production and egg weight were significantly (P=0.05) higher in Divyayan Red poultry birds in comparison to local birds. The overall mortality rate of Divyayan Red poultry birds was significantly lower (P=0.05) than local birds. The income of small, marginal and landless poultry farmers was increased due to rearing of Divyayan Red poultry birds under backyard through low input and high output venture within a very short span of time. The benefit-cost ratio of rearing in Divyayan Red poultry birds was recorded 2.61 per family.

Key Words: Divyayan Red, Local birds, Egg Production, Mortality and B: C Ratio

Author Biographies

S SHEKHAR, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Koderma, Jharkhand

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Koderma, Jharkhand

S KUMAR, Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Nutrition, BVC, Patna, Bihar, India

Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Nutrition, BVC, Patna, Bihar, India

RAJNI KUMARI, Scientist, DLFM, ICAR-Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar, India

Scientist, DLFM, ICAR-Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar, India


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