Site Specific Nutrient Management in Potato Through Nutrient Omission Plot Technique
Nutrient Management in Potato
Nutrient, Nutrient omission, Potato, Tuber cropAbstract
A field experiment was conducted during four consecutive winter seasons from 2013-14 to 2016-17 at Patna, Bihar under sandy clay loam soil. The trial on potato was laid out in randomized block design with four replications with objective to develop nutrient omission plot technique in potato. The highest plant height and number of shoot per plant were recorded under 150% recommended dose of fertilizer of NPK. The range of dry matter content in potato tuber varied from 16.1 to 17.7% on dry weight basis. The maximum yield of smallest tuber (0-25g) was recorded under 150% recommended dose of fertilizer of NPK, which was at par to all the nutritional treatments and significantly superior over absolute control plot. The maximum yield of medium, large and very large size tuber was recorded under 150% recommended dose of fertilizer of NPK. However, 150% recommended dose of fertilizers of NPK recorded about 13% higher net return over 100% recommended dose of fertilizers of NPK. The maximum yield reduction was observed in the omitted plot without nitrogen among other nutrients like phosphorus and potassium. Hence, nitrogen was one of the most limiting nutrients for tuber yield of potato.
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